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Together for economic growth & development


Greater Copenhagen is a Danish-Swedish political co-operation. We are 85 municipalities and four regions that will build one of the world's most competitive metropolitan regions.

This is Greater Copenhagen

We want companies to have the best conditions for investing, creating innovations and attracting labour.  

We want citizens to have access to good jobs and be able to move freely across borders. 

We want universities, companies and public authorities, from Korsør to Kristianstad, to have the best conditions to cooperate and jointly develop green solutions, the region's cities and common infrastructure. Greater Copenhagen shall be a global centre for sustainable growth and green transport.

89 local and regional council chairs and mayors from Sweden and Denmark set the direction for Greater Copenhagen. We are driven by the desire to transform our metropolitan region through close and committed cooperation with the governments of Sweden and Denmark and with the EU.

This page is an English summary of the Greater Copenhagen website. To see full content, please switch to Swedish or Danish.


Go to the Danish or Swedish site to see news from Greater Copenhagen

Annual report 2023

The annual report is now available.


Latest Tweets from @GreaterCph

The Board

Go to the Danish or Swedish site to see the Greater Copenhagen Board page

Lars Gaardhøj
Chairman of Greater Copenhagen
Chairman of the Regional Council, Region Hovedstaden

Carl Johan Sonesson
Vice Chairman of Greater Copenhagen
Chairman of the Regional Board, Region Skåne

Mikaela Waltersson
Vice-Chairwoman of Greater Copenhagen
Chairwoman of the Regional Board, Region Halland

Mikael Smed
Vice-Chairman of Greater Copenhagen
Chairman of KKR Sjælland

Lars Weiss
Næstformand i Greater Copenhagen
Overborgmester, Københavns Kommune

Other board members

Trine Birk Andersen
Regionsrådsmedlem, Region Sjælland

Anna Jähnke
Regionråd, Region Skåne

Per Persson
Regionråd, Region Halland

Pernille Beckmann
Borgmester, Greve Kommune

Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh
Chairwoman of the municipal board, Malmö

Christian Orsing
Kommunstyrelsens ordförande, Helsingborg

Camilla Palm
Kommunstyrelsens ordförande, Kristianstad

Henrik Fritzon
Regionråd, Region Skåne

Steen Christiansen
Formand, KKR Hovedstaden

Anders Almgren
Kommunstyrelsens ordförande, Lund

Randi Mondorf
Regionsrådsmedlem, Region Hovedstaden

Jan Hendeliowitz
Regionsrådsmedlem, Region Sjælland

Karsten Längerich
Borgmester, Allerød kommune